Occupancy Forecast

Occupancy Forecast

The Breckenridge Occupancy Forecast can be used to anticipate staffing needs and support business operations. All Breckenridge Business License holders are eligible to access this forecast.


Breckenridge's Occupancy Forecast

The Breckenridge Occupancy Forecast can be used to anticipate staffing needs and support business operations. All Breckenridge Business License holders are eligible to access this forecast.


Occupancy Forecast: September 15 Report

The first chart looks at Sept. 12 to Oct. 31, 2024. Guest nights are down 17% year over year (YOY). Breckenridge has approximately 69% of actual guest nights on the books at this time.


Over the next two weekends, guest nights on the books for Friday nights are down 15% to 20% YOY. Saturday, Sept. 28 guest nights are +10% YOY. Guest nights on the books for the month of September are -31% YOY. October guest nights are pacing -22% YOY.

Guest nights on the books for the Summer Season (May to Oct.) are -20% YOY. The average daily rate for the summer season is flat year over year at $2147 per night.


An early look at November and December guest nights on the books highlights some shifts in arrival patterns, let alone business volume. For the nights of Nov. 1, 2024 to January 5, 2025, guest nights on the books are -21% YOY. Approximately 28% of actual guest nights are on the books at this time.

One piece of news impacting early December and the middle of January is Breckenridge will not be hosting the groups of college students we have hosted in prior years.



The September 15, 2024 Key Data reports include 51 properties and 3,275 of approximately 4,199 licensed short- term rentals in Breckenridge plus hotel properties. The data includes resorts, private homes, and hotels. Many of these units are on Rent by Owner (RBO) sites Airbnb and VRBO.

Sign-up & Login Assistance

Breckenridge’s Occupancy Forcast is available to all Breckenridge Business License holders.  This proprietary data can be accessed with a KeyData login.  If you are interested in signing up for a login or need helping logging in, contact Bill at bwishowski@gobreck.com

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